Mr. Follett makes the sexy time.

My book reading pace slowed when my friend Karen lent me this book.
It is a long one, and while interesting, I could have cut at least 50 pages out of the front section, at least another 50- 100 in the middle, and geez, what’s with the ADVERBS, Ken?
But dang, do I want William to DIE. At the hand of a woman. oh yeah.
And my my, Mr. Follett, you do write the LOVE scenes. I’ll never bath in a creek the same again. ( I know why Oprah liked this.)
Trying to finish it today so I can start on the stack of 10 that I have lined up for now through Spring Break. I wish I could read in a car, as I’d have a good 12 hours of reading time coming up. Unfortunately for me, it makes me carsick, as much as audiobooks make the other car riders sick- real or imagined…
More party time tonight with bunko and bands, a beery belated bdaybrouhaha.
Say that three times fast.