What if Someone offered you…A Peaceful New World

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You can see them coming.
The kind ladies with the pamphlets.
The ones that stand there and stand there no matter how long I hide in the bathroom.
This is what they left jammed in my door. It asks:
“When you look at the scene on this tract, what feelings do you have?”

I feel like you can’t read the NO SOLICITING notice at the subdivision entrance. I feel like you have invaded my space and upset my dogs. I feel you have the wrong idea about Paradise and peace isn’t something you go door to door selling like cookies.
I feel in a Peaceful New World, I wouldn’t want to pet bears in the bushes, pick my own berries or sleep with lions. What I would want is affordable gas for my sports car, uncrowded roads to drive it and a crapload of money to spend at my leisure.

I feel more peaceful already.