It’s Author Game Day with E.J. Bouinatchova.
Happy Holidays! From my desk to yours- or your phone, in your hand as you wait in line behind the woman who can never find her wallet.
Happy Holidays! From my desk to yours- or your phone, in your hand as you wait in line behind the woman who can never find her wallet.
Today we go across the pond for our author interview. This guy looks up for the 10 for 10 challenge,
When a very cool writer comes your way. You, of course, ask him to play the Author Game.
Holy cow. It’s DECEMBER? Where the hell did this year go? Hang on.
Hello there! It’s another Wednesday and since this is NANOWRIMO month, I am writing this well ahead of time and setting up the little scheduler to work while I sleep,
There are some writers that you never really know. They hide behind their characters, they change their names,
And she’s definitely an author you should be reading. Heck, you’ve got like sixteen books to chose from.
November used to be about shoes. I refused to do this whole… write a ton of goop and call it a story and then cheat at the last minute and copy and paste weird recipes and love letters so you can make 50k words and get a pretend trophy or a T-shirt.
It’s Wednesday and all is well in the ‘hood. Just another day of type, type,
So, it’s that time of the year again. Crime writers of all sorts will convene in a hotel and plot the end of someone’s life.