Tag Archives: dinner
Mary Kay Andrews said it was okay, so here it is.
Love the one you're with.
Sensitive Guy- at least where skin is concerned.
Instead of enjoying a wonderful yoga session yesterday, I was sitting in a doctor’s office looking at this: One week old POISON IVY .
Learning from the pros.
Last night, my pal Liz and I went to hear Joshilyn Jackson speak at The Margaret Mitchell House in lovely downtown Atlanta.
Impromptu Birthday dinners are best
I was THINKING about blogging.
As I was drinking water and flushing my system of appendicitis-symptom inducing beef.
As I was getting wrapped in ACE bandages soaked in an herbal remedy for all that ails you- still thinking and wishing I had a camera as I was stuffed in a rubber suit and told to sit in a sauna for half an hour.