The blog titled RISE: How a House Built a Family, or OMG THIS CHICK IS AMAZING
There are buttons in my car that I have no idea why they are there or what they do.
There are buttons in my car that I have no idea why they are there or what they do.
Yes, you waited for it. Yes, you have been reading since 1997. Wait. You haven’t?
Well, it could you know.
How many times have you, as a writer thought about moving to a place you researched so thoroughly for Ā a story setting?
All writers have time and space constraints, but what about when you’re also THE MOM.
Writing in the early hours of the morning… torture or pleasure?
I ran away for a few days. But I’m back. And I was never that far.
Here’s the backstory if you’re new here-
or if you’re like my husband who only hears the words that come after steak,
While packing for my recent writing conference in Florida, I did the three things any smart gal does: check’s extended forecast,
By this time next week I will be on my 4th family-less day and hopefully loving it.