Say it with your words.
in Rapa Nui, Easter Island, ATA-ATA means to laugh
in Hausa, Nigeria, BA’A is ridicule or mockery
in Maltese,
in Rapa Nui, Easter Island, ATA-ATA means to laugh
in Hausa, Nigeria, BA’A is ridicule or mockery
in Maltese,
I am a good procrastinator. Practically presidential.
But when required, I can knock it out,
Best Original Song
Falling Slowly Once
Raise It Up August Rush
Happy Working Song Enchanted
So Close Enchanted
That’s How You Know Enchanted
I read three books last weeks- or five- if you also count the novel manuscript I read twice while editing.
I can totally relate to my teenager.
Lately I’ve been feeling like a misfit–