The blog titled RISE: How a House Built a Family, or OMG THIS CHICK IS AMAZING
There are buttons in my car that I have no idea why they are there or what they do.
There are buttons in my car that I have no idea why they are there or what they do.
As we wrap up a year of enormous surprises, I give you this sentiment.
We chose what to focus on every moment of our lives.
Debbie Cassidy is a 35 year old multi-tasking ninja who lives in England,
Boy, oh boy, do I feel like the slacker. Just reading Jessica’s bio makes me want to go back to school.
Meet Keith, a guy who makes me want to clear off my desk. I mean that in the kindest way possible.
We have had fun meeting new authors and finding great new books to readĀ here on
When a very cool writer comes your way. You, of course, ask him to play the Author Game.
Hello there! It’s another Wednesday and since this is NANOWRIMO month, I am writing this well ahead of time and setting up the little scheduler to work while I sleep,
There are some writers that you never really know. They hide behind their characters, they change their names,
And she’s definitely an author you should be reading. Heck, you’ve got like sixteen books to chose from.