The blog titled RISE: How a House Built a Family, or OMG THIS CHICK IS AMAZING
There are buttons in my car that I have no idea why they are there or what they do.
There are buttons in my car that I have no idea why they are there or what they do.
Hello there! It’s another Wednesday and since this is NANOWRIMO month, I am writing this well ahead of time and setting up the little scheduler to work while I sleep,
There are some writers that you never really know. They hide behind their characters, they change their names,
Votes determine a publishing deal, in a real life contest.
Well, it could you know.
How many times have you, as a writer thought about moving to a place you researched so thoroughly for  a story setting?
It’s an exciting new way to get your book noticed by readers. It’s called the Kindle Scout program and each vote cast is tallied to select who makes it to publication.