Tag Archives: publishing
Saunders wins the prize. Yay! And more publishing news.
George Saunders won the 2013 Story prize for his collection Tenth of December.
Bouchercon 2013, Albany NY
Ahoy Mateys!
Maybe you’ve been keeping up on the whole e-book piracy deal, and this is old news to you- or maybe you have been living under a rock and had no idea there was an ebook price fixing trial going on–
Let’s talk about books. And how you read them.
Mark Coker recently wrote a wonderful piece for Ā The Huffington Post called:
21 Book Publishing Predictions for 2013: Indie Ebook Authors Take Charge
The Quick Fire – June. Another challenge, or more words from writers
When writers are put on the spot with quick fire questions… and limited word count replies.
Quick Fire Interviews. Where I ask 10 writers 10 questions…
Want to be published, and succeed? Here are just a few things you may need to know how to do.
- write a kick ass book
- land a fantastic, eager, well-connected literary agent
- do all you can to help sell your book through self-promotion
- spend money,
The Kirkus Review is in for my book. The consensus is…
While I was out wandering the mountains of Georgia, someone was typing up and submitting their review of Not Waving,
No longer TABOO. Print your own damn book, son.
Another look at e-book publishing.