I read a bunch of tragic fire accounts in the newspaper a few years ago after Thanksgiving, and I took notes, clipped photos and generally forgot about them, until I was browsing through my ideas folder and came across them.

One piece I’d written and entered in a spoken word contest, but the others had never really been completed, I think there are about nine total.

I found an interested editor, sent in three to his new journal and they liked them, publishing them immediately.
A wildland fire service organization got hold of the link via Facebook, liked what i had to say and how I said it and now I may have another project in the works.

I love how my work is like knitting… the ball of yarn unravels, the needles click, something is born and inevitably, a stitch is dropped and the yarn runs out, because nothing is ever perfect and nothing is ever done.

Here’s hoping my knitting doesn’t catch fire.

You can read it here: linda-sands.com

or on the journal, Moronic Ox

and yes, that is just perfect for me.